Buddy is a premier experience company looking to produce unique experiences through cannabis.

Here at Buddy, we believe cannabis offers the ability to enjoy experiences with intent. Our obsession with unlocking the potential of cannabis has lead us to innovate with cannabis, tailored experiences, and technology.


Tailored Experiences.


The Buddy Experience

By partnering with movie, music and video-game studios, we are creating tailored cannabis products specifically designed to put the user into a headspace the artists intends their creative work to be experienced in.

The Tiered System

With our tiered-system edibles, there’s something for everyone. 3 different tiers for 3 different cannabis users.

Join The Cannabis Revolution.

Join Buddy Social.

Become a part of an ever growing ecosystem of creative cannabis enthusiasts! Post your Cannabis Experiences freely and without social regulation, utilize unique features to create unique cannabis content and take advantage of our specialized tools to assist the modern cannabis consumer.