Our Story!

Our Story!

Originally Indie Game Developers

The team initially meet through development of our first indie game, The Lost and The Wicked. Together we developed an intense twin-stick shooter with a captivating story and an incredible soundtrack. However, to get noticed in the sea of indie games releases, we needed to think outside the norm and find new avenues to gain traction.

A Marketing Idea

To market our game, The Lost and The Wicked, we created the first video game weed strain. This was an attempt to do something that had never been done in video game marketing. We worked with North Country Pharms to develop Wicked Indica which soon became their most popular strain.

Our Trip to GDC

With the upcoming release of our indie game, we decided to go to the 2022 Game Developers Convention in San Francisco. Our hope was to connect with other developers, share our project ideas, and build interest in our game. Over the course of the week, we found the cannabis-marketing crossover intrigued everyone who approached our booth and found it was a perfect hook to introduce our game. Everyone was eager to talk about the cannabis and if the strain was specifically tailored to our game. We saw the potential of cannabis and gaming in a more integrated way that creates new experiences and offers something new the cannabis and gaming market.

Buddy is Born

We found that many aspects of the cannabis space fell short of its potential and discovered little innovation in the space of cannabis marketing and cannabis experiences. In May of 2022 we started Buddy Brand LLC, a cannabis brand focused on creating new and innovative experiences in the cannabis space by collaborating with entertainment creatives along with the development of our app, Buddy Social, to further deliver on the experience of Buddy.